チュートリアルどおり、実験用の手書き数字画像としてMNIST datasetをダウンロードする。
$ cd doc $ makeを実行すると チュートリアルのpdf版が html/deeplearning.pdf に作成される。
$ python >>> import test >>> test.speed()
-- logistic_sgd のログの一部(float64) -- epoch 30, minibatch 83/83, validation error 8.031250 % epoch 30, minibatch 83/83, test error of best model 7.843750 % Optimization complete with best validation score of 8.031250 %,with test performance 7.843750 % The code run for 30 epochs, with 1.299264 epochs/sec The code for file logistic_sgd.pyc ran for 23.1s -- logistic_cg のログの一部(float64) -- validation error 7.927083 % Optimization complete with best validation score of 7.927083 %, with test performance 8.041667 % The code for file logistic_cg.pyc ran for 53.4s -- mlp のログの一部(float64) -- epoch 5, minibatch 2500/2500, validation error 7.300000 % epoch 5, minibatch 2500/2500, test error of best model 7.590000 % Optimization complete. Best validation score of 7.300000 % obtained at iteration 14999, with test performance 7.590000 % The code for file mlp.pyc ran for 2.88m -- convolutional_mlp のログの一部(float64) -- epoch 5, minibatch 100/100, validation error 6.430000 % epoch 5, minibatch 100/100, test error of best model 6.920000 % Optimization complete. Best validation score of 6.430000 % obtained at iteration 599,with test performance 6.920000 % The code for file convolutional_mlp.pyc ran for 2.26m -- dA のログ(float64) -- ... loading data Training epoch 0, cost 63.2891694201 Training epoch 1, cost 55.7866565443 The no corruption code for file dA.pyc ran for 2.05m Training epoch 0, cost 81.7714190632 Training epoch 1, cost 73.4285756365 The 30% corruption code for file dA.pyc ran for 2.06m -- SdA のログ(float64) -- ... loading data ... building the model ... getting the pretraining functions ... pre-training the model Pre-training layer 0, epoch 0, cost 194.503144937 Pre-training layer 1, epoch 0, cost 695.507788509 Pre-training layer 2, epoch 0, cost 529.03645135 The pretraining code for file SdA.pyc ran for 6.89m ... getting the finetuning functions ... finetunning the model epoch 0, minibatch 166/166, validation error 14.868687 % epoch 0, minibatch 166/166, test error of best model 15.727273 % epoch 1, minibatch 166/166, validation error 11.595960 % epoch 1, minibatch 166/166, test error of best model 11.717172 % Optimization complete with best validation score of 11.595960 %,with test performance 11.717172 % The training code for file SdA.pyc ran for 6.70m -- DBN のログ(float64) -- ... loading data ... building the model ... getting the pretraining functions ... pre-training the model Pre-training layer 0, epoch 0, cost -165.566548661 Pre-training layer 1, epoch 0, cost -620.030667461 Pre-training layer 2, epoch 0, cost -133.876169806 The pretraining code for file DBN.pyc ran for 7.84m ... getting the finetuning functions ... finetunning the model epoch 1, minibatch 166/166, validation error 28.373737 % epoch 1, minibatch 166/166, test error of best model 29.848485 % epoch 2, minibatch 166/166, validation error 20.272727 % epoch 2, minibatch 166/166, test error of best model 21.424242 % Optimization complete with best validation score of 20.272727 %,with test performance 21.424242 % The fine tuning code for file DBN.pyc ran for -64.90m -- rbm のログ(float64) -- ... loading data WARNING (theano.tensor.opt): Your current code is fine, but Theano versions prior to 0.5rc2 might have given an incorrect result. To disable this warning, set the Theano flag warn.subtensor_merge_bug to False. Training epoch 0, cost is -53.1045703345 Training took 17.727500 minutes WARNING (theano.tensor.opt): Your current code is fine, but Theano versions prior to 0.5rc2 might have given an incorrect result. To disable this warning, set the Theano flag warn.subtensor_merge_bug to False. ... plotting sample 0 ['logistic_sgd', 'logistic_cg', 'mlp', 'convolutional_mlp', 'dA', 'SdA', 'DBN', 'rbm'] float64 times [ 24.00578618 55.60583591 175.75342607 136.53151321 248.71974111 823.29348183 874.02775431 1079.12984514] float64 expected [10.300000000000001, 23.699999999999999, 78.099999999999994, 73.700000000000003, 116.40000000000001, 346.89999999999998, 381.89999999999998, 558.10000000000002] float64 % expected/get [ 0.42906322 0.42621426 0.44437256 0.53980212 0.46799663 0.42135643 0.43694265 0.51717595] -- float32の場合の最後の方のログ -- ... plotting sample 0 ['logistic_sgd', 'logistic_cg', 'mlp', 'convolutional_mlp', 'dA', 'SdA', 'DBN', 'rbm'] float32 times [ 21.94568563 49.98527789 177.91128731 136.48723054 291.68081236 1048.11308694 1128.05673623 1302.78659558] float32 expected [11.6, 29.600000000000001, 47.200000000000003, 66.5, 71.0, 191.19999999999999, 226.80000000000001, 432.80000000000001] float32 % expected/get [ 0.5285777 0.59217436 0.26530076 0.48722507 0.24341677 0.18242306 0.20105372 0.33221097] float64/float32 [ 1.09387269 1.11244427 0.98787114 1.00032445 0.85271204 0.78550062 0.77480833 0.82832434] Duplicate the timing to have everything in one place ['logistic_sgd', 'logistic_cg', 'mlp', 'convolutional_mlp', 'dA', 'SdA', 'DBN', 'rbm'] float64 times [ 24.00578618 55.60583591 175.75342607 136.53151321 248.71974111 823.29348183 874.02775431 1079.12984514] float64 expected [10.300000000000001, 23.699999999999999, 78.099999999999994, 73.700000000000003, 116.40000000000001, 346.89999999999998, 381.89999999999998, 558.10000000000002] float64 % expected/get [ 0.42906322 0.42621426 0.44437256 0.53980212 0.46799663 0.42135643 0.43694265 0.51717595] float32 times [ 21.94568563 49.98527789 177.91128731 136.48723054 291.68081236 1048.11308694 1128.05673623 1302.78659558] float32 expected [11.6, 29.600000000000001, 47.200000000000003, 66.5, 71.0, 191.19999999999999, 226.80000000000001, 432.80000000000001] float32 % expected/get [ 0.5285777 0.59217436 0.26530076 0.48722507 0.24341677 0.18242306 0.20105372 0.33221097] float64/float32 [ 1.09387269 1.11244427 0.98787114 1.00032445 0.85271204 0.78550062 0.77480833 0.82832434] expected float64/float32 [ 0.46934054 0.47413961 0.43898283 0.53997725 0.39906636 0.33097574 0.3385468 0.42838942] ERROR (theano.sandbox.cuda): nvcc compiler not found on $PATH. Check your nvcc installation and try again. ... plotting sample 0 ['logistic_sgd', 'logistic_cg', 'mlp', 'convolutional_mlp', 'dA', 'SdA', 'DBN', 'rbm'] gpu times [ 23.64237881 50.57395744 185.60482621 139.12935448 289.82814217 1050.09374905 1123.013515 1268.43072391] gpu expected [3.0766348799999998, 7.5552349100000002, 18.992267850000001, 9.5999999999999996, 24.130070450000002, 20.399999999999999, 56.0, 302.60000000000002] gpu % expected/get [ 0.1301322 0.14938983 0.10232637 0.06900054 0.08325648 0.01942684 0.04986583 0.2385625 ] float64/gpu [ 1.01537102 1.09949545 0.94692272 0.98132787 0.85816284 0.78401903 0.77828783 0.85075978] Duplicate the timing to have everything in one place ['logistic_sgd', 'logistic_cg', 'mlp', 'convolutional_mlp', 'dA', 'SdA', 'DBN', 'rbm'] float64 times [ 24.00578618 55.60583591 175.75342607 136.53151321 248.71974111 823.29348183 874.02775431 1079.12984514] float64 expected [10.300000000000001, 23.699999999999999, 78.099999999999994, 73.700000000000003, 116.40000000000001, 346.89999999999998, 381.89999999999998, 558.10000000000002] float64 % expected/get [ 0.42906322 0.42621426 0.44437256 0.53980212 0.46799663 0.42135643 0.43694265 0.51717595] float32 times [ 21.94568563 49.98527789 177.91128731 136.48723054 291.68081236 1048.11308694 1128.05673623 1302.78659558] float32 expected [11.6, 29.600000000000001, 47.200000000000003, 66.5, 71.0, 191.19999999999999, 226.80000000000001, 432.80000000000001] float32 % expected/get [ 0.5285777 0.59217436 0.26530076 0.48722507 0.24341677 0.18242306 0.20105372 0.33221097] gpu times [ 23.64237881 50.57395744 185.60482621 139.12935448 289.82814217 1050.09374905 1123.013515 1268.43072391] gpu expected [3.0766348799999998, 7.5552349100000002, 18.992267850000001, 9.5999999999999996, 24.130070450000002, 20.399999999999999, 56.0, 302.60000000000002] gpu % expected/get [ 0.1301322 0.14938983 0.10232637 0.06900054 0.08325648 0.01942684 0.04986583 0.2385625 ] float64/float32 [ 1.09387269 1.11244427 0.98787114 1.00032445 0.85271204 0.78550062 0.77480833 0.82832434] expected float64/float32 [ 0.46934054 0.47413961 0.43898283 0.53997725 0.39906636 0.33097574 0.3385468 0.42838942] float64/gpu [ 1.01537102 1.09949545 0.94692272 0.98132787 0.85816284 0.78401903 0.77828783 0.85075978] expected float64/gpu [ 0.43565836 0.46862063 0.42078647 0.52972286 0.40161731 0.33035146 0.34006715 0.4399925 ] float32/gpu [ 0.92823509 0.98836003 0.95854882 0.98100959 1.00639231 0.99811382 1.00449079 1.02708534] expected float32/gpu [ 0.49064437 0.58528147 0.25430373 0.47797246 0.24497276 0.18207898 0.20195661 0.34120902] speed_failure_float64=8 speed_failure_float32=8 speed_failure_gpu=8
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